Meet Katie
Katie joined Headington in Year 9 from an independent prep school. She is currently studying A Levels in English, French and Psychology and completed an Extended Project Qualification in her first year of Sixth Form. Katie is on the school Hockey team, sings in Chamber Choir and helps run FemSoc, the Sixth Form run feminist society. In addition, Katie is a Marketing and Admissions Student Leader and head of her competitive house.
On Headington
I would describe Headington as one big community, a team. My favorite thing about the School is the way that each teacher really cares about you and your progress individually. The teachers are amazing and so helpful. They are prepared to give up their time to help you with anything
On Sixth Form
Sixth Form is very different to the rest of the school as you have so much more independence and a safe space to adjust to the change from school life to university style life. You also get to drop all of your least favourite subjects!!
On her ambitions
By the end of my time at Headington I hope to achieve the best exam results that I can in order to help prove to myself that I can do it and that I am prepared to go out into the real world.
My aspirations beyond Headington are to take a gap year to travel and work in a different country before I go to study Sociology and Criminology at university and then either go on to become a lawyer or go into marketing.