Meet Eva
Eva joined Headington in Reception. She plays the cello and piano and is part of the school orchestra and strings group. A keen sportswoman, she also takes part in Athletics, Swimming, Hockey, Running and Cricket.
On the best thing about Headington
It’s probably how much Sport we do, we do quite a few sports both in classes. There are also some fun clubs, my favourite is Maths Puzzle Club!
On Sport
We change every two weeks in Games so we get to try lots of different sports when we swap round. The teachers are really helpful, they help you know what sports you like and what ysports you are good at then when you’re in Year 6 or in Senior School you can focus more on those sports.
On Music
Music here is very fun because there’s lots of different choices of what instrument to play. If you play the cello for example, you could do some things like join the orchestra – there are lots of groups for different instruments.
On what she’s learned about herself
I’ve learned I’m quite sporty! I’m not the best at creative writing but I am quite good at Maths.
On her goals and ambitions
I would like to represent the School for sport and also I’d like to be able to stand up in front of a group of people and do a speech and just build more confidence.