Year 6 Exhibit Art

On Friday 29th March, Year 6 held a fantastic Art Exhibition, in association with the Aidan Meller Gallery in Oxford. The event showcased the beautiful drawings, prints and sculptures produced by the girls over the previous two terms. The children’s creations were inspired by British artist Henry Moore and photographs of life during WW2. Artwork on show included a large collaborative piece depicting a group of school girls taking shelter during the Blitz and sculptures based on the theme ‘Family Group’. In addition, the girls exhibited individual, self led pieces of artwork portraying ‘Inspirational Women’.

We were fortunate to have Gallery Director Aidan Meller judging the girls’ exhibits and handing out the awards. Zara, Molly and Evelyn were awarded Highly Commended certificates for their work and Imogen won the annual ‘Aidan Meller Cup’ for outstanding artwork. Congratulations girls! To add to the occasion, Mr Meller brought in an original Turner painting to display alongside the girls’ artwork and music was performed by some of our talented Year 6 musicians.

We would like to say a big thank you to all the parents and children who attended the event and helped make exhibition such a success.