Enrichment Day 2019

Girls throughout Headington went off timetable for the day for a special focus on enrichment activities.

Each yeargroup spent the day working on different programmes, enhancing and going beyond the curriculum in different areas. U3 girls had great fun working with ‘Opera Anywhere’, exploring jobs in the opera, examining the plot of Mozart’s ‘The Magic Flute’ and trying their hand at bringing opera puppets to life, before learning chorus numbers from the opera and later performing them with the company.

For the L4, Confident Communication was the focus, working with our Speech and Drama teachers Sinead Hamilton and Deborah Galea long with academic teaching staff who helped them develop the skills to get their points across in an assertive and often entertaining manner.

U4 girls were joined by boys from Magdalen College School for a day of Ballroom and Latin Dance workshops, learning Jive, Waltz and Salsa and working with different partners throughout the day.

Headington also hosted its very own TED themed day, with L5 and L6 girls working together to produce TED style talks on subjects ranging from personal identity to mobile phones, data and AI.

Finally, our Science Ambassadors were joined by 80 pupils from local secondary schools to take part in the Oxford University and Ogden Trust sponsored Physics Challenge Day. The visitors were invited to take a core concept in Physics and apply it to both real-world situations and up to university level difficulty, undertaking five workshops, mentored by Oxford University graduates and our Headington STEM ambassadors, exploring the effects of liquid nitrogen on superconductors through to repelling grapes with neodymium magnets.

Deputy Head Co-curricular Mr Simon Hawkes said: “We are always looking at different ways to enrich learning across the curriculum.

“The girls were really engaged and had a brilliant time – it was great to see such focus and enthusiasm. We are always delighted to work with other schools so it was a pleasure to invite both Magdalen College School and some of our local state school partners to join us.”