Earth Science Trip to Iceland

A group of intrepid geographers and scientists visited Iceland for a five-day trip exploring the country’s geological and geophysical highlights.

Twenty-seven pupils from L5 to L6 went on the trip in July, which included opportunities to explore the basalt columns and black sand beaches near Vik, learn about plate tectonics and hotspots and their role in forming Iceland at the Lava Centre and experience nature in all its finest glory at Gullfoss and Skógafoss waterfalls.

There was also a chance to relax in the Secret Lagoon, trek to and bathing in the Hveragerði hot springs and witnessing the very impressive Lava Show in Reykjavik.

The aim of the trip was to learn more about Earth Science, a fascinating field of Science that enables students with a passion for Physics, Chemistry and Physical Geography to pursue their research interests.

Trip leader Mrs Anneka Streule said: “With this in mind, we were all very excited when we experienced a magnitude 5.1 earthquake on our first night in Reykjavik and the volcanic eruption started on day two of the trip.”

Iceland Trip 2023