Christ Church Carol Service

Headington’s annual Carol Service took place on Tuesday 12th December at the Cathedral in Christ Church College.

The morning service required the whole school to walk down and back – and the weather was largely kind.

Over the two services, around 1500 attended.  The readers and choirs were superb and contemporary elements were brought in by ‘Soul Train’ singing the modern carol, ‘You oughta know’.

The homily, given by the School Chaplain the Rev Tom Howell, focused on the words of the angels:  Peace and Goodwill.

During the evening service, a collection was made for the Red Cross as they work with those affected in Israel and Palestine in the ongoing conflict. Nearly £500 was raised for the cause.

Rev Howell said: “It was, as always, a truly magical event and a perfect opportunity for the School to come together at Christmas.

“We are very grateful to Cathedral staff for enabling us to continue to hold our Carol Services at Christ Church.”

Christchurch Carol Service