U5 Summer Prom

The U5 have worked incredibly hard over the last few months and so thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to celebrate their efforts together for one final time.

We had a fabulous three hours of dancing, chatting and some – rather questionable – singalongs, with a highlight being the 360 degree camera which we all loved!

We were able to thank our incredible teachers for their two years of utter dedication to our year group, especially Mrs Becky Hawkes and Mrs Megan Minton (our two wonderful Heads of Middle School) and Mr Alex Williams (our ever energetic head of year).

We were also able to present the new ‘Mia Rosai Award’ for extraordinary courage and bravery, a tradition that we hope to continue each year.

Although it was emotional to say goodbye to Middle School, it was the perfect final celebration of our wonderful close-knit year group.

We will always remember the 2023 U5 prom fondly as we celebrate our move up the School to the Sixth Form, a topic too emotional for some teachers who have known many of us since we were only 11!

We all had a fabulous time and are looking forward to getting together again on Foundation Day!

Report by Nena (U5)