Travelling book fair at Prep

Headington Prep Librarian Mrs Hanna Yap and the Prep School’s six pupil librarians organised a Travelling Book Fair to visit the School last week.

Many children bought books, raising an incredible £1,191.05 worth of book tokens to spend on lovely new library books for the Prep School, which the librarians are excited to get involved with too!

The librarians all worked incredibly hard, giving up playtimes to help run the book fair and taking time to count the cash that was taken, which was a lesson in itself as so many of them had never handled so much money.

The librarians said: “We loved the travelling book fair because it was a chance to be shop-keepers. There was a massive selection of books, stationary and games to choose from. It was exciting to help the younger pupils to choose their books and to give them change.”