Stretch and Challenge project gallery

Stretch and Challenge Clubs run throughout the year for Years 1-6, largely focusing on Problem Solving Skills and Verbal Reasoning. The Spring Term saw the Key Stage 2 girls conducting independent research to enrich their classwork and this work was then on display at our pop-up gallery in the Upper Atrium, for parents to view during June. There were examples of extension work taking place in lessons, through differentiated tasks and also the Think Pink Initiative. Look out for the pink “Challenge Task Diving Deeper” stamp in your daughter’s work!

The girls independently produced an extended project based on the overarching question in their topic lessons this year.  With such inquisitive minds, after reflecting on the term’s work, questions were raised and left unanswered, so we set about finding the answers.  The pop up gallery showcases how the school uses Digital Technology to enhance the learning of the more able.  The girls chose their own question and were restricted to a four-page Google Slide document.  They shared their knowledge of IT between each other, whilst producing their own work.