Rushall Farm Trip 2024

Girls experienced life on a working organic farm with a trip to Rushall Farm.

The U3 girls got stuck into soil sampling, discovering the challenges of working with different soil types and why farmers use clay for grazing and loam for cultivating.

They had a session on crop rotation, learning the importance of putting nutrients back into the soil through clover or legumes, especially on an organic farm unable to use chemical fertilisers.

They discussed how a farming business works with inputs, outputs and processes and thought carefully about where their food comes from, how it is grown, the challenges faced by farmers and the impacts on the environment.

Alongside the tractor and trailer ride, girls were treated to a walk alongside beautiful bluebell woods, meeting one-day-old piglets, feeding chickens and seeing spring lambs out in the fields.

Geography teacher Mrs Hannah Badger said: “We really benefited from the wealth of knowledge, experience and enthusiasm from the guides at Rushall Farm and we were very proud of how our girls interacted with them and made the most of the day spent outside of the classroom.

“We hope that the memories made on the trip will stay with the girls and help them understand the farming topic they are studying in their Geography lessons.”#