Prep Sports Day Events 

During the week 22nd-26th June the Prep School PE Department set the girls a number of sports day challenges that they could either do at home, or at school.

Taking all the restrictions into account, it was not an easy task!

During the week the girls had the opportunity to practise each event before recording their best scores. The girls then had to look to see whether they had achieved bronze, silver or gold for each event. These were then totalled together to give final house scores.

They were also asked to wear their house T-shirts and send Miss Smith a photo of them doing their favourite event.

The events were:

Event 1 Running between two markers in a set time: how many lengths can you complete?

Event 2 Rolling to a target: hoops or targets set different distances apart, with each area scoring points depending on the difficulty.

Event 3 Standing long jump: how far can you jump from a standing start?

Event 4 Egg and spoon: how many lengths can you complete in a set time?

Event 5 Throw and catch: how many can you do in a minute?

Event 6 Speed bounces: how many jumps can you do side to side over a line in a set time?

Well done to everyone for taking part so enthusiastically.