Prep piano concerts

On 1st and 2nd February, pupils who have individual piano lessons at the Prep School took part in a concert to showcase what they have been working on over the last few months. Three concerts were arranged to showcase the piano skills of over 100 pupils, from Reception class all the way up to Year 6. There were absolute beginners through to more experienced pianists delighting the audience with expressive and confident performances.

A huge range of pieces were on show, from the classical giants of Debussy to the modern day pop goddess Taylor Swift. There was even a duet performance of ‘Great Balls of Fire’ which the audience found particularly entertaining.

Mrs Amy Evetts, Head of Music, said ” It was wonderful to see all the performers confidently take to the stage for their individual moment, which is commendable in itself with a full audience of parents.

“It has been a fantastic couple of days of wonderful Piano playing. I am so proud of all the girls and the dedication that they have demonstrated to their fellow pupils and families. Music is really celebrated at the Prep School and this showcase is the perfect example of what you can achieve with practice, patience and determination. Well done girls!”
