Prefect Hustings
Girls stood in front of their peers to give articulated and impassioned speeches stating their cases for being chosen in the 2022 crop of Headington prefects.
This year, after a revamp to the School’s prefect system, there are just nine prefect roles up for grabs: Head Girl, Head of Boarding, Head of Day, Diversity, Eco, Wellbeing, Charities, Chapel and Social. The successful applicants will be supported by a raft of Student Leaders who will take on key leadership roles in different aspects of school life.
Those who wished to be considered for prefect roles faced a comprehensive application process. Each student wrote a written application to Headmistress Mrs Caroline Jordan, before being given one minute to speak at a special hustings event in front of staff, sixth formers and representatives from the Middle and Lower School.
Following the hustings on Tuesday 8th March and Wednesday 9th March, staff and sixth formers were able to vote for those candidates they felt would make a good prefect while feedback was also sought from the younger representatives – all of whom have roles within their peer group which closely link to the prefect roles.
Each student will now be interviewed for the roles they have applied for, with the Headmistress and Pastoral Director of Sixth Form interviewing the candidates for the Head Girl trio and other key members of staff responsible for the relevant areas of school life conducting interviews with the appropriate candidates. These interviews are due to be completed by the end of the week commencing Monday 14th March and the new prefects will be announced by the end of term.
In all 37 students applied for one or more roles, with 23 applying for at least one Head Girl trio position. The application process for Student Leaders will be set by those in charge of specific areas of school life and these positions will also involve significant responsibilities and leadership opportunities.
Mrs Jordan said: “We had a host of excellent applications this year and the performance at hustings was very impressive. Student leadership is incredibly important and every year the girls rise to the challenge set for them and learn a great deal from it.”