Polar regions workshop

On Thursday 22nd February, Year 3 pupils got the opportunity to take their learning from last term about the Polar regions and express their knowledge through a drama workshop. The pupils learnt more about the explorer Shackleton and how he had the curiosity and perseverance to not give up on his dream of exploring.

Throughout the day, the girls got to play a range of educational games to spark their own curiosity and imagination. One task was in the form of a Dragon’s Den invention pitch which produced some very imaginative and useful products. The ‘HeatTech’ clothing line with solar panels and snow powered heating packs ranked highly amongst the dragons. The ‘Snow-a-Bottle’ which turned snow into clean, drinkable water was another highlight.

Pupils loved the day and the chance to perform more drama pieces in front of their peers. When asked about the day, one girl said ‘I loved acting out the Shackleton story with my group and I learned that he was sent home from an expedition on a relief ship due to his heart condition’. Another pupil loved ‘how we got to imagine things that could be useful to explorers, that was really cool’.