Oxford Botanic Garden trip

On Tuesday 4th June, Year 2 started their new Creative Curriculum topic ‘Scented Garden’ with a visit to the Oxford Botanic Gardens.

They enjoyed a guided tour of the two very different glasshouses. One recreated a warm, wet tropical rainforest which contained a huge number of enormous, water-loving plants, whilst the other glass house had a desert, warm and dry environment with a wide variety of cacti.

The pupils felt the sticky wet juice from the Aloe Vera plant dry very quickly on their hands and were surprised to find that it left their skin feeling very soft! They then toured the gardens and noticed that some plants preferred the shade while others climbed and thrived in full sun.

The garden provided the pupils with a wonderful opportunity to see, feel and smell some of the 5,000 different species of plants that exist in the gardens. The tour finished with a closer look at the carnivorous plants and the previously caught flies inside which the girls were very surprised to see. It was a lovely morning full of discoveries.
