National Poetry Day 2023

Poetry was in the air across Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5 October for Headington School’s extended National Poetry Day celebration.

On Wednesday, local poet Kate Wakeling ran special creative writing workshops which were attended by more than 60 pupils from across the senior school.

The young writers crafted a range of highly creative work inspired by images, poems and objects. Kate also adjudicated our much-anticipated Poetry Slam event, which saw Cranmer take the crown.

On Thursday, a band of ‘roving poets’ from the English Department popped up at locations around the school, declaiming poetry from their favourite poets including Coleridge and Dickinson.

The library’s ‘PoetTree’ – adorned with Haiku written by the U3 – made an appearance in the Library, and pupils had fun with Shakespearean insults during lunchtime in the dining hall.

Scissors by Ellie (U6)

I am exact and pointy. I live in darkness

But I would choose the light, if given

The chance. Bound to you at the pivot,

I have no reign over

Our kingdom of thread.

But the star-shape we make

When we separate could light

The darkness of the drawer.

Even my dull edge shines.

When we collide, destruction

Follows like the wool unravelling –

I think I would like to be scissor,

Not scissors.