Music roundup

It has been a busy few months in the Music Department at the Prep School, culminating in five music afternoons/mornings to celebrate the musical achievements of the children over the course of the last year, from the younger girls in Year 1 demonstrating their newfound ability at playing the Piano to those in Year 6 who are more seasoned performers.

Parents were delighted to watch their daughters perform their musical instruments, which ranged from Cello to Saxophone, Piano to Flute and even Drums to Harp or Voice. It was wonderful to see so much joy from the young musicians as they stood up in front of an audience, often for the first time, and battled their nerves to perform with gusto and receive praise through unwavering applause.

The finale was joining the Senior School at the recent Summer Concert where Prep girls joined the orchestra to perform pieces alongside the Senior School pupils and the Prep Choir sang with joy as they performed the pieces they have also recently sung at some concerts to local residents.

Mrs Amy Evetts, Head of Music said: ‘It has been wonderful to see the musical journey of our pupils, some of whom have played for years and others who are taking up an instrument for the first time. It’s been a busy term for them all but great to see them enjoying music and playing with others.’

Summer Concert 2023-1