Mini MBA 2023

The second year of Headington’s mini-MBA elective (Year 12) has now come to an end.

All 12 students passed the course and received their certification on 5th July 2023 from Hult International School, a triple-accredited business school in London.

Mieke, L6, said: “I have really enjoyed doing the mini MBA because it allowed me to learn and discuss issues which face businesses and actively try to come up with solutions. This was especially beneficial for me as the marketing and business relational skills I have learnt will not only apply to my future career but also immediate academic life.

“Despite having very different interests I believe everyone can benefit from this qualification as it is not only academically valuable but wholly enjoyable to study.”

Emma, L6, said: “I have loved doing the mini MBA this year, it has been extremely useful and taught me valuable skills and life lessons that will be beneficial for any career.

“It has been manageable alongside my A levels, whilst also being enjoyable. I would recommend doing the mini MBA to anyone, no matter what you are planning on doing in the future as it covers topics that will be helpful for any workplace. I have absolutely loved the course!”

Mr George Vlachonikolis, Assistant Head (Teaching and Learning) said: “We are delighted by the girls’ performance and are so incredibly proud of them all. They have picked up invaluable skills, worked incredibly hard and all deserve their certificates. Well done again!”