Lulworth Cove to Durdle Door Trip

On a beautiful day with temperatures reaching 25 degrees, Headington’s L4 pupils embarked on a stunning walk from Lulworth Cove to Durdle Door along the Jurassic Coast.

The girls were amazed by the breathtaking scenery and the real-life context of coastal erosion.

Yukiko, one of the L4 pupils, said, “The scenery was absolutely beautiful and it was exciting to see coastal erosion in action. We’ve learned about it in Geography class but seeing it first-hand was really eye-opening.”

The walk from Lulworth Cove to Durdle Door is a popular route along the Jurassic Coast, a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its geological significance and stunning natural beauty. The cove itself is a horseshoe-shaped bay with crystal-clear waters and a pebble beach, while Durdle Door is a natural limestone arch that has been formed over millions of years.

The group was accompanied by a number of teachers and Dr Gemma Prata, a geology enthusiast and Headington Geography Teacher, emphasized the importance of preserving and protecting this precious natural environment.

She said: “It’s important for us to appreciate and respect the beauty of nature, and to do our part in protecting it for future generations.”

The grils were also impressed by the challenging walk up to Durdle Door, which offered panoramic views of the coastline and the surrounding countryside.

Irina said: “The walk was tough, but it was definitely worth it for the stunning views.”

Overall, they had a memorable experience on their walk along the Jurassic Coast, and gained a deeper appreciation for the natural beauty of their local area. With such breathtaking scenery right on their doorstep, they were reminded of the importance of preserving and protecting the environment for years to come.