Le petit déjeuner comes to the EYFS Snack Café

As part of their French studies, Reception pupils have been learning about a typical French breakfast, and comparing it with what they normally eat themselves.

They learned the French vocabulary for a range of food and drink items, doing various games and activities to help them practise and remember the words.

They’ve also been learning how to ask politely for items, using s’il vous plaît and merci.

Last week, they had a wonderful time putting their new vocabulary and good manners into action: the French café served some typical French breakfast items, such as une tartine/ un croissant/ un pain au chocolat/ un chocolat chaud /un jus d’orange and the girls practised asking for what they wanted in French. Lots of wonderful French was spoken, and a delicious petit déjeuner was enjoyed by all. Bon appétit!