KS1 Showcase

On the last day of term, Thursday 8th February, Year 1 and 2 took to the stage in the theatre to perform a showcase of all that they have learned over the last term in their topics.

Year 1 were up first and took us on a journey alongside Eddie the penguin, an unlikely hero, who was on a mission to save the world from global warming. They visited various countries and encouraged people to reduce their use of electricity, turn down the heating, limit time spent in cars and encouraged recycling in order that we take better care of the world and reduce the rising temperature of the planet. They performed their songs and lines with huge enthusiasm and accuracy and made their teachers and parents proud.

Next up was the energetic performance of Year 2 pupils who talked and sung us through the history of the Great Fire of London. It was hugely entertaining and clear to see how much time and effort had been put into the production from all involved. They acted with passion and confidence and performed their choregraphed songs superbly, demonstrating the huge destructive impact the fire had upon London in 1666. It was a very memorable show and the children clearly really enjoyed the challenge of performing on stage to such a big audience.

One parent commented, “It was such a delight to see the year group performing so well together and showing such interest in their studies. The teachers are remarkable to generate so much energy and enthusiasm from them all.”
