KS1 and KS2 sports day

The weather was kind on both Prep School Sports Days this year and so all the events went ahead with a lot of enthusiastic cheering from all four houses. They were great fun as always with a variety of races which celebrated the sporting skills that the girls have learnt over the course of the year.

Parents watched with glee as their daughters demonstrated great collaboration and determination in their races, running past at speed, steadily jogging along with an egg and spoon, hopping past in a sack or on space hoppers, launching themselves over hurdles and even galloping along on a wooden horse! One of the highlights was watching the ‘fencing’ take place at the start of the obstacle race. Fortunately, the swim woggles replaced what would have been swords so nobody was injured during the proceedings! There was much hilarity and whoops of encouragements from the parents.

The event finished with the favourites of the jelly relay and the teachers race. The KS2 day finished with sprint relays. All the girls competed in field events beforehand and gained points for their houses. The emphasis was on fun and a whole team effort to score as many points as they could for their house.

The final scores were:

Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2 Overall
1st Redwood Beech Beech
2nd Beech Redwood Redwood
3rd Oak Oak Oak
4th Chestnut Chestnut Chestnut

Huge congratulations to Beech as the winning house overall!

KS2 sports day


KS1 sports day

KS1 Sports Day 2023-8