Headington Economics Student Impresses at Uni of Toronto

A Headington Economics student has been honing her skills during lockdown at an online, international university course

Ishita, U6, spent six weeks of her summer studying ‘Behavioural Economics in Action’ online at the University of Toronto.

This involved studying six different units ranging from behaviour change and choice architecture, the major principles of behavioural economics, evidence and experimentation, tools for understanding preferences, a guide to nudging and finally decision aids. The course also involved participating in debates at the end of each unit which furthered Ishita’s understanding by hearing different perspectives from leading scholars and practitioners.

At the end of the course, Ishita took an exam where she scored an impressive 88 per cent, earning her a certificate from the University of Toronto.

Ishita said: “It was definitely a very interesting area of economics to study, one of which I didn’t know of before and has heightened my understanding. I have also learnt about several governments globally that have embedded behavioural economics into welfare and policy initiatives.”

Mr George Vlachonikolis, Headington’s Head of Economics said: “This is an outstanding achievement by someone who made maximum use of her time during lockdown.”

Ishita is Headington’s Alumnae Prefect for 2020.