Giving expert guidance

Our Head of Sport at Prep, Miss Laura Smith was part of the group that worked together to collate the UK CMO Physical Activity Guidelines published on Saturday 7th September. She was involved in putting together the first guidelines in 2011 and said she was excited and honoured to be part of this expert working group looking at communication and surveillance.

Miss Smith focused on school-aged children and her group spent time looking at studies from different countries to see how they approached activity and the guidelines that they produced. We are fortunate at Headington that the majority of our girls meet the guidelines, meaning Miss Smith could use her experience as a teacher.

The new guidance emphasises the importance of building strength and balance for adults, as well as focusing on cardiovascular exercise. New advice is also available to encourage good development in babies and children, with the UK Chief Medical Officers recommending lots of “tummy time”. As much active play as possible in children under five is encouraged, and older children are recommended to be active for an average of 60 minutes a day, across the week.

The full report can be read on the government website.