Economics visit to Bremont

On Friday 20th January, the U6 Economics students visited the Bremont manufacturing and technology centre (‘the Wing’) in Henley.

Bremont is a relatively young luxury watch company, manufacturing 8,000 watches a year in Henley.

Headington students toured the centre, learning about how the watches are designed and made. They also found out about Bremont’s marketing processes and the future plans for the business.

At the end, the group was joined by one of the owners, Giles English.

Mr Cy Webber, Head of Economics at Headington School said: “Thank you to everyone at Bremont for such a wonderfully insightful morning.

“The girls were truly impressed by the care and intricacy of the production process but also how the business delivers as a whole. We were privileged to tour such a bastion at the forefront of British watchmaking.

“We hope that the students will use a lot of this information as part of their microeconomics case studies in their future writing.”

Bremont Manufacturing & Technology Centre visit