Cotswold Wildlife Park Trip

On Friday 9th June, following two days of end of term exams, the U3 embarked on a trip to Cotswold Wildlife Park and Gardens for their enrichment day.

The gardens looked fantastic in the lovely sunshine and both staff and pupils had a great time exploring the site, seeing the animals with particular highlights being the train ride, the lemurs, and petting animals in the children’s farmyard area.

Following on from an ecology and environmental competition about endangered species earlier in the week, each group had a talk from one of the keepers about conservation and the role that zoos and wildlife parks play in it.

Mrs Sarah Donwa, Head of U3 said: “The girls kept the keepers on their toes with their many and varied questions; it was great to see their curiosity!”

Class U3VC said: “We really enjoyed our trip to Cotswold Wildlife Park, because it was a nice break from exams. Our favourite part of the trip was when we were looking at the snakes, for they really piqued our interest because some of them were so gigantic, for example the green anaconda (water snake). We found it particularly interesting that penguins could survive in warmer conditions rather than the frigid temperatures of the South Pole. And lastly, another interesting fact we learnt is that camels don’t store water in their humps, but they store fat there instead.”

Class U3EXS said: “We all really enjoyed the conservation talk and found it informative and interesting. We also enjoyed the train ride and how it was a good way to bond with other people in your house. We think it was a nice break away from school to see the animals.”