Confirmation 2024

Four Headington senior students and one Headington Prep School pupil were confirmed at Headington’s parish church on Sunday 21st April.

In a joyous and colourful celebration of confirmation at St Andrew’s Church, presided over by Bishop Steven, the Bishop of Oxford, Zara (L6), Libby (U5) and Emily (L6) confirmed the promises that were made when they were baptised as infants and Aileen (U5) and Charlotte (Yr6) were both baptised and confirmed.

Headington School’s connections to the parish church are very strong, with St Andrew’s vicar, Fr Darren McFarland being a governor of the school. The School’s Chaplain, Rev Tom Howell was also involved in the service and was delighted to be able to assist the girls through their confirmation process.

Libby, U5 commented “It was a great joy to be able to get confirmed through the School and with my friends. Headington is the place where students and teachers alike helped me in my spiritual path to decide that being a Christian is the path I wish to pursue for the rest of my life.”

Aileen, also in U5, who was baptised and confirmed, stated: “It was a wonderful experience and to carry on believing and having faith through the confirmation of baptism is amazing!”