Celebrations as GCSE girls get stellar results

Headington’s Hive was packed with a hubbub of laughter, excitement and a few tears of joy as girls celebrated another fantastic set of GCSE results.

While most received their results electronically, many chose to come in to school to mark the occasion with teachers and friends. Twenty-six girls achieved 10 or more 8s or above, eight achieving 10 or more nines and four securing straight 9 grades.

Outgoing Head of Year Nena recorded an impressive three 9s and seven 8s, along with an A in her HPQ (Higher Project Qualification).

She said: “I am feeling good, I’m just really grateful that I got to be here to do it. The English almost killed me but I am really pleased!” She will take A Levels in Psychology, Physics, Maths and History at Headington.

Vivienne achieved eight 9s and two 8s. She said: “I am very happy. I was a bit worried because I knew from the news that the A Level results were lower than last year but I am over the moon.”

Vivienne will take A Levels in Greek, French, Latin and English at Headington and has set her sights on studying either Classics or Modern and Medieval Languages at Cambridge.

Another gifted future linguist was Ellie, with ten 9s and an 8 to collect. She said: “I did kind of expect the 8 but I was really happy about some of the subjects like History, which I was not expecting a 9 in.” She will study Greek, Latin, German and English Literature at Headington with a view to studying Classics at Oxford after A Levels.

As has become a tradition, a large contingent of those picking up their results were en route to Reading Festival. Among them was Megan, who will be celebrating her six 9s and four 8s at the festival with her friends. She opened her results online with a group of friends before coming in to celebrate with friends and teachers on the way to the festival. She said: “Everyone was happy so it was really nice and we could all congratulate each other.” Megan will take A Levels in Chemistry, Biology, Spanish and Geography at Headington

There were fantastic results in various subject areas. Notable was the number of Modern and Classical languages studied by pupils, with girls taking exams in Chinese, French, German, Greek (Classical and Modern), Italian, Japanese, Latin, Russian and Spanish. Results were particularly impressive in Classical Languages, with 100% of those taking Greek or Latin achieving a 7 or above, with nothing lower than an 8 achieved in Latin. There were also strong results in the Sciences, with 83 per cent achieving at least a 7 in Biology, 79.3 per cent in Chemistry and 75 per cent in Physics. PE results were exceptional, with 82.6 per cent of girls achieving 8s or 9s while of those taking Further Maths – more than one in three of the year group – an impressive 86.4 per cent achieved an 8 or 9 grade.

Headmistress Caroline Jordan said: “We are so incredibly proud of all the girls picking up their results today and it has as always been wonderful to celebrate their successes with them. They have worked so very hard and, perhaps more importantly, have supported each other throughout the process, working together collaboratively to share their knowledge and expertise.

“We have been so impressed by their work ethic, their sense of compassion and the way they have gelled as a year group, I can’t wait to see what fantastic things they will achieve in Sixth Form and beyond.”

GCSE Results 2023