Biology Trip to Dale

On Friday 10th May, a group of eager L6 biologists headed off to a small town called Dale in Pembrokeshire, Wales, for a three-night stay at the Field Studies centre.

On the first day, we visited a nearby rocky shore called Jetty Beach. This was an area of significant species richness which made it perfect for searching for creatures such as: crabs, shrimps, snails and barnacles.

While studying at the field centre, we learnt a number of statistical tests and skills which were useful for sampling, when we went out to collect our data. In the evening after dinner, with the fabulous guidance of the field council tutors, we consolidated the day’s work in the classroom. During our free time before lights out, we all unwound with card games in the common room!

On the second day, suited in waterproofs and wellies, we set off on a 40-minute walk to a nearby salt marsh where we measured the abundance of different species up the river bank on the salt marsh. We weren’t afraid to get involved despite the muddy conditions and there were still smiles all around!

The last stop on our trip was crabbing in Dale to complete a capture and release experiment. The weather when we got down to the beach was not on our side and the gale force winds had the field centre team questioning how stable the pontoon was! After the experienced team carried out a safety assessment of the pontoon, we were given the option whether or not we wanted to take part in the practical and the majority of us said yes.

After half an hour of crabbing, it was looking like the crabs had all gone to hide away but to everyone’s excitement, Fatima managed to be the only one between both schools visiting the field centre to capture a crab and she was over the moon!

Before we bid farewell to this lovely corner of Wales, we headed off to support the local community by visiting Dale’s only cafe to grab a warm drink and some chips.

Report by Daisy and Emily (L6)

Biology Trip to Dale