Art in St Ives

Twenty-four U4 Creative Arts pupils enjoyed a fabulous bank weekend of art inspiration, drawing and ice creams in sunny St Ives at the start of the May half term.

After a long train journey of drawing down the country on Friday, the group arrived at their hostel and headed straight out to Porthmeor beach where they paddled in the sea whilst being treated to a spectacular Cornish sunset.

Saturday morning consisted of landscape drawing on the headland followed by a fantastic tour of the Tate Gallery with local artist Greg Humphries, who then took the group onto the beach for a sand sculpture workshop. After supper on Saturday night they headed back to the beach for a ghost walk around the historic town with local story teller Shanty Baba.

On Sunday the girls visited the inspirational Barbara Hepworth Museum and spent hours drawing amongst the foliage in her sculpture garden overlooking the sea.

Breaking down on the open-top-bus didn’t spoil a sunny visit to neighbouring town St Just on Sunday afternoon and the young artists made it back just in time for fish and chips! They spent their final night in St. Ives with a sketchbook awards ceremony and celebrated all the wonderful drawings they had done during the trip, followed by some beach games.

Their trip concluded on Monday morning with a visit to the Leach Pottery Studios for a studio tour followed by a workshop providing artists with the opportunity to make our own pinch pots, which they then decorated with seaweed foraged from the beach earlier.

St Ives Art Trip 2023