Alpine F1 Visit

Five U4 pupils recently had the incredible opportunity to visit the Alpine F1 Team Factory, and it proved to be a one of a kind trip.

We were visiting upon the occasion of the International Women in Engineering Day and it really was an inspiring experience that definitely made me consider F1 as a career option.

On arrival, we were greeted by a three person panel of women who were working, being apprentices or interns at Alpine who told us all about how they got into F1 and how they ended up at Alpine.

We then went through to the first activity, which was a tour of the facilities. Our guide led us through the different sections of the factory including the design department, where I witnessed the intricate process of conceptualizing and refining the car’s aerodynamics and performance.

Next, we moved to the engineering workshop, where skilled technicians and mechanics meticulously assembled the components of the car. It was fascinating to witness the collaboration and co-ordination involved in transforming raw materials into a finely-tuned race car .

Finally, we were shown how to take apart and put back together crucial parts in the cars such as steering wheels and pedals. We then gave it a go ourselves and it’s safe to say that the Alpine drivers will now have a satisfactory steering wheel.

The Alpine trip was a brilliant experience and I feel I’ve definitely come out knowing a lot more about engineering and the roles that people play in general at the factory.

Report by Emilia, U4